Decommission Line 9b

Let’s pull our heads out of the tar sands


to the Prime Minister of Canada,
to his Minister of Environment and Climate Change,
and to the Canada Energy Regulator

Despite all the efforts made by Canada's youth, civil society and citizens' groups over the past thirty years;

In the absence of government action commensurate with Canada's commitments to avoid warming beyond the 1.5°C set out in the Paris Agreement;

In view of the grave consequences of climate disruption, including the denial of our fundamental rights, including the right to life and security;

We, the undersigned issue this pressing ultimatum to the Government of Canada:

By October 19, 2024

  1. Announce a plan to stop the flow of Enbridge Line 9B before 2030 by reducing its throughput by at least 20% per year, starting immediately

  2. In the meantime, introduce full transparency on all safety aspects (throughput, products being piped, leaks, and failures)

If this vital and reasonable demand is not met by the deadline of October 19, 2024

We the undersigned solemnly declare our support and participation in the legitimate and nonviolent means deployed to dry up by 2030 the flow of hydrocarbons transported by Enbridge.

We commit to a campaign of civil resistance that grows exponentially each year, with mass civil disobedience actions that minimally DOUBLE in size (number of people), in scope (number of locations), and in duration (number of consecutive days) year after year, until our demands are met.

Nature defends itself.

Find out more about mass civil resistance

A day of training to explore together, and in complete safety, the principles of nonviolent action, our original strategy of mass citizen mobilization and what civil disobedience is all about

In the form of participative workshops, you will then be able to evaluate the actions proposed to you, so that you can choose freely and with full knowledge of the facts the role you wish to play in future mobilizations. Together, we'll cover the history, theory, tactics and practicalities of action, not forgetting the legal aspects.

These training courses are open to everyone, whether or not you decide to take part in any action. Many supporting roles are possible... and necessary!

Are you interested?

Stay in touch!


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
